EN01 - Analysis RAMS 
The course offers an overview of the basic concepts that characterize the RAMS analysis (Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety), whose purpose is the study of reliability. Availability, maintainability and safety of technological systems. In particular, it will focus on the fallout of these analyzes on the design, management and maintenance of those systems and will highlight the most commonly adopted techniques of analysis.
1 day Details
RAMS makers, planners, managers purchasing and sales, maintenance managers from industry, transport and engineering companies.
- Introducing the concepts RAMS.
- Recall the analysis RAMS role in industrial design and in relationships with purchase and sales office.
- Provide an overview of the technical rules in question and in particular the IEC61508 with the concept of Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
- Illustrate the approach to the analysis RAMS and recall the techniques of analysis use FEMCA and HAZOP, fault trees and diagrams reliability blocks, Monte Carlo techniques, maintainability analysis and life cycle cost
- Mindful of the importance of collecting data from the field and provide an overview of commercial databases
- Illustrate the possible effects of the analysis RAMS on the optimization of industrial maintenance.
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EN02 - Methodologies and techniques RAMS
The course offers an overview of the basic concepts that characterize the RAMS (Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety), RMC and whose purpose is the study of reliability. Availability, maintainability and safety of technological systems. In particular focalizzarà attention to the methods and techniques of quantitative analysis highlighting.
2 days Details
RAMS makers, planners, managers purchasing and sales, responsible for maintenance of the sectors industry, transport and engineering companies.
- Introduction to RAMS and RCM
- Analysis RAMS
- The concept of "risk"
- Risk assessment
- Maintenance
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- Qualitative methods
- Methodology RAMS / RCM
- Definition System
- Failure Modes
- Analysis of maintainability
- Life Cicle Cost (LCC)
- Analysis of the failure modes and effects
- Criticality analysis
- Quantitative Techniques
- Methodology RAMS / RCM
- Retrieve probability theory
- Characterization of the components
- Quantitative analysis
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EN03 - Drawing Technical Mechanical Base
The course allows you to acquire advanced skills for the execution and interpretation of technical drawing in the mechanical sector with the help of 2D CAD tools.
2 days Details
The course is also intended to Designers, Experts, Surveyors, Engineers, Architects, Industrial designers, along with all the people to be trained and / or retrain in the mechanical sector.
- Introduction
- Visual perception and technical drawing
- Standardization and unification
- Conventional tools for drawing
- Fundamental geometric constructions
- Fundamental Constructions (polygons, circles, arcs)
- Orthogonal projections
- Flat surfaces
- Views and sections
- Views assembly and penetration of solids
- Surfacing development
- Projections axonometrical orthogonal and oblique
- Dimensioning
- Criteria for the indication of units
- Special quoting conventions
- Transfer of units (from the functional dimension to that of manufacture)
- Definition and indication of surface roughness
- Introduction to CAD systems
- Approach to solid modeling
- Non-conventional tools for drawing
- Architecture of a CAD system
- Hardware and main peripherals description (keyboard, mouse, digital tablets, scanners, display devices vector and raster-scan, hard-copy devices)
- Functions performed by the software
- Advantages and Limitations of a CAD system
- Practise
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EN04 - Drawing Technical Mechanical Advanced
The course allows you to acquire advanced skills for the execution and interpretation of the technical drawing in mechanical field with the aid of 3D CAD tools for learning solid modeling and subsequent commissioning table.
3 days Details
The course is aimed at those who want to improve their skills related to reading and interpretation of the technical design, as engineers, designers, appraisers, surveyors, architects, industrial designers.
- Product Life Cycle
- The phases of the product development cycle
- Supporting technologies to product development
- The PDM
- The PLM
- The drawing as a project basis
- Dimensional tolerances
- Dimensional tolerances
- Types of coupling
- System of tolerances and coupling
- General tolerances and ISO
- Geometric tolerances
- Principle of independence
- Classification of geometric tolerances
- Tolerances of form, orientation, position, swing, on profiles
- Surface finishing and roughness
- Threads
- Threaded links
- Threaded systems
- Representation of threaded elements
- Representation of the threads
- Tolerances of threads and strength classes
- Threaded links
- Screws and bolts
- Threaded inserts
- Dice
- Washer
- Anti-unscrewing devices
- Connections non-threaded removable
- Connection tree-hub
- Keys and tabs
- Thorns and pins
- Grooved couplings
- Transversal cotters
- Security rings and shutdown
- Permanent links
- Forced links
- Nails and rivets
- Welded links
- Bondings
- 3D Visualization for planning
- Systems of solid representation
- Parametric solid modeling
- The simulation of the product life cycle
- The rendering: representation photo-realistic
- Parametric curves
- Reverse Engineering
- Practise
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The course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to properly use the CAD tool to realize elaborated bi / three-dimensional graphs of particular mechanical complexes. So, at the end of the course, learners will be able to create, analyze, manage, and, overall, perform all the procedures for surface modeling with CATIA systems.
3 days Details
The course is also intended to Designers, Surveyors, Surveyors, Engineers, Architects, Industrial Designer, along with all the people retrained and / or training for the acquisition of design knowledge and solid modeling with CATIA.
- Introduction to CATIA
- CAD techniques for three-dimensional drawing
- Creating a title block
- Edge, extract, extrapolates
- Types of lines, views, sections and dimensions
- Rappresentations
- Numeric control
- Automatic programming
- Insertion of a component, inclusion of an existing component with positioning
- Operations
- Union
- Cut
- Delimits
- Junction on edge, on the face and with variable radius
- Sketcher environment
- Standard menu
- Introducing at sketcher of simple profiles and defined profiles
- Drafting
- Introduction to drafting
- Main and additional views
- Defining sections and dimensioning and text
- Superficial modeling
- Structural analysis
- Rendering realization
- Realization of pocket commands
- Pocket junction and churn out
- Multiple pockets
- Numerical control - machine tools: milling center
- Multi-section surface, filling and connection
- Customizing the work environment
- Problems relating to manufacturing processes
- Operations with the body
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EN06 - Unigraphics NX
The course allows you to acquire the skills required to properly use the NX CAD tool for modeling and development of a product. The participant will be able to create mathematical models of parts and assemblies, know and use the techniques for the customization of CAD and extrapolate data from the design, necessary for planning. The main objective of the course is the acquisition of working methods within the environment of NX.
5 days Details
The course is intended for industrial designers and to all persons wishing to have knowledge about a new generation digital system for products development. The course is also aimed at those who wish to gain design knowledge and solid modeling with Unigraphics NX.
- Introduction to UG
- What is UG, keywords
- Understanding And use the UG interface
- User interface
- Introduction to the concept of parametrics
- Managing files and directories
- Creating A part
- Creating a base view
- Management of plans and views
- Sketch of plans and using constraints
- Key commands
- 3D curves non-parametric, creation, modification and use of points snap
- Modeling
- Solid
- Base surfases
- Advanced surfaces
- Chamfers and fittings
- Revolve and transform functions
- Tools of model analysis
- Assembly
- What is an assembly
- File ensembles
- Assembly parts using constraints
- Modeling by use of assembly references
- Drawing
- Creation of the drawing sheet
- Dimensioning of Views 2D
- Creating notes and tables
- Practise
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EN07 - Solidworks
The course objective is to complete the training of designers participants integrating the means at their disposal to perform in a professional manner The design, analysis and simulation of parts and mechanical components reducing time and costs for industrialization through the use of Solidworks.
3 days Details
The course is aimed at those who wish to gain the skills necessary for the use of a software dedicated to the design of parts and components of any shape and size and those wishing to acquire design knowledge and solid modulation with Solidworks.
- Installation
- The working environment
- Graphic interface
- Configuration
- Description of the solid simulation environment
- Interface: toolbars
- Display models
- Graphic manipulation
- Zooming
- Paning
- Settings: System and Document
- Sketching
- Primitive 2D
- Relations and parameters
- Basic Features
- Linear, revolution and draft extrusions
- Detail Features
- Wizard creation of holes, fillets, chamfers, and emptyings
- Three-dimensional design
- Multiplication Features
- Circular, linear and symmetrical repetitions
- Geometries of reference
- Generation of planes and axes
- Calculation of mass properties
- Configurations
- Manual method and via spreadsheet
- Total: Together
- Description of the together environment
- Methodologies: Bottom-up
- Methods of transposition of the details in together environment
- Constraints: "Traditional" and smartmates
- Constraint degrees and degrees of freedom
- Changes: standalone and in together context
- Concealment and suspension
- Exploded
- Drafting
- Customized formats
- Automatic generation of views
- Custom views
- Sections
- Details
- Parameters and dimensions
- ImportExport Dwg e Dxf
- Tollerance
- BOM e peening
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EN08 - Autocad 2D
The course allows you to acquire the necessary knowledge in AutoCad 2D for drawing, the review of drawings, printing, organizational management of the working levels (layer) and of symbols (blocks). The participant will be able to create 2D drawings, view them, quote them, enter screens, scale print with the correct settings of thickness for the lines. Will be able to create custom symbols easy to reuse, squaring and cartouches. The main objective of the course is the acquisition of working methods within the environment of 2D AutoCad.
5 days Details
Professionals interested in technical planning (Surveyors, Architects, Engineers, etc.).
- Previous knowledge of AutoCad
- Opening and saving drawings
- Using DWT models for new drawings
- Compatibility of AutoCAD versions and conversion of DWG between versions
- Multifunction bar and AutoCad interface
- Work areas, the menus and toolbars
- Command line, keyboard, numbers
- Tool Palettes
- Main options of AutoCad and autosave
- Display control
- Zoom and pan, Intellizoom (mouse with wheel) and classic zoom of AutoCad
- Video regeneration
- Precision design
- Coordinates relatives, absolutes, Cartesians and polars
- Dynamic Input, ortho and polar tracking
- OSNAP, significant points, otrack
- Measuring distances and areas
- Graphic objects of AutoCad
- Lines, xlines, circles, arcs, ellipses, points
- Polylines of AutoCad and related commands
- Polygons, splines, rings
- Hatchings and shades, wipeouts
- Selecting Items
- Based selection with the mouse, cyclical selection
- Fundamental options by keyboard
- Window of rapid selection
- Modifying Objects
- Copy and associative series of objects
- Shift and rotation commands
- Deformation commands (irons and grip)
- Working method with parallel (offset)
- Precise scaling and alignment of objects
- Specific Options for copy and paste in AutoCad
- Organization of dwg drawing
- Properties of entities, properties window
- Colors, line types, printing thickness, transparency
- Layer an groups of layer
- Command Apply properties
- Creating DWT Templates for AutoCad
- Concept of Entity
- Annotation and shares
- Texts, single-line, multi-line, text styles
- Spell checking and search of lyrics
- Calculated data fields
- Tables, table styles
- Automatic calculations in the tables (hints)
- Interactions with Excel
- Create Dimensions, dimension styles
- Scaling of units for printing
- Definition of scales of print for the various units of measurement
- Application of automatic scale of texts and dimensions
- Symbols and Blocks
- Symbols creations
- Inserting blocks
- Block libraries and their management
- Design Center and tool palettes
- Hints to dynamic blocks
- Printing and publishing
- Print the card models of Autocad
- Print layout of AutoCad
- Creating cartouches
- Dockers for printing
- Scale List, annotative and scale printing
- Quotas and texts, on the layout paper
- Print Styles (CTB) and plotter configurations
- Print PDF and DWG
- Sending complete packages with entransmit
- Publishing / editing with web apps (Autodesk360/AutoCAD WS)
- Practises
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EN09 - Autocad 3D
The course allows you to acquire the necessary knowledge in AutoCAD 3D for the development of the business project, deepening in the first place the knowledge about tools for 2D needed to be able to develop in AutoCAD 3D. The participant will be able to use work plans (UCS), axonometric and perspective views, mobile windows and side by side, view styles of AutoCAD 3D. The main objective of the course is the acquisition of working methodology within AutoCAD 3D environment for surface modeling, solid and mesh, including their modification. You will be able to apply lighting and materials for the creation of photo-realistic views (render) and movies.
5 days Details
The course is designed to technical world for architectural representation, to operators of designers, furnishers, advertiser, engineers and technical personnel.
- Brief summary of the necessary functions of Autocad 2D
- Introduction to 3D in AutoCAD
- Multifunctional bar and work area 3D
- Tools palettes for lights and materials
- Setting of unit and model
- Useful tools 2D for AutoCAD 3D
- Creating and editing polylines
- Using regions, 3D polylines, helixes and splines
- Connecting and modifying of XREF
- Layer, selection, options of selection
- Visualization
- Environment AutoCAD and graphics acceleration
- Orthographic views, windows
- Visualization styles, shadows, materials, X-ray
- Points of view 3D and perspective
- View cube, steeringWheel, views and transactions
- Orbit, walking, flying, cameras
- Work plans
- Using UCS and Dynamic UCS
- Behavior of 2D objects in 3D
- Behaviors of commands 2D in 3D
- Command for modify 3D
- Grip and gizmo tool
- Alignment and alignment 3D
- 3D rotation, 3D series
- 3D mirror and move 3D
- Types of objects 3D
- Objects with thick, meshes, surfaces, and solids
- Mention to surfaces and objects with thickness
- 3D surfaces and surfaces modification
- Elementary and polygonal surfaces
- MESHTYPE variable
- Solids
- Flat surfaces and regions
- Elementary parametric solids
- Extrude, revolution, sweep and loft
- DELOBJ variable
- Edit solids
- 2D and 3D sections, live sections
- Section, flat geometry, edges extraction
- Slice and slice with a surface
- Boolean operation and interference control
- modification through sub-objects and chronology
- Changes to the body, the edges and the faces
- Mesh
- Elementary Mesh
- Mesh ruled, edge, extruded and revolution
- Editing mesh and adding corners
- Chamfer and fold, sharpening
- Conversion of solid, of surfaces and mesh
- Materials and lights
- Use of library materials
- Creation of new materials
- Use of preset lights and create lights
- Setting sun and sky
- Render
- Using pre-render settings
- Advanced parameters of render Mental Ray
- Movie making
- Printing and publishing
- 3D printing and 3D DWF as a model card
- Dockers and layers in paper space
- Hidden views or 2D section for printing
- Printing with display styles
- Insertion of rendered images
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