MK01 - Bases of the Marketing
The course aims to provide information and cultural tools in order to strengthen awareness that the mentality and the marketing tools are functional to professional act.
2 days Details
Product managers, sales network coordinators, commercial agents and professionals of sales's area.
- Company, exchange and product
- Concept of exchange
- The company and the systemic unit
- The company and the environment
- Company as a sub-system of a larger system
- Enterprise and competition
- History of the demand - offer relationship
- The possible combinations
- The historical guidelines
- The three periods
- The good (industrial or of consumption) and the service
- Similarities and differences
- The today industrial or consumption product
- The chain company - consumer
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MK02 - Sales activity and the management of the client
The objective is to give the participant the knowledge needed to exploit the full potential of the sales network focused on satisfying the needs of customers.
2 days Details
Coordinators of the sales network, commercial agents and professionals of sales area.
- Sales activity
- The sale as a consulting activities
- The problem of product knowledge: to criticize and evaluate your own product
- The lifecycle phases of the business relationship
- Quality linked to the sale
- Assistance and advice
- The sales network
- Role, tasks and structure of the sales network
- The sizing of the sales network
- The organization of the sales network: principles and logic
- The sales budget
- Management of time and territory
- The operational management and control of the sales network
- The sales plan and the planning process of the sales activity
- Control of sales
- The supports of the sales network
- The effective management of the customer
- The needs analysis and the generation of expectations
- Types of customer
- The reasons for selling and buying
- The psychological process of purchase
- The different types of needs
- The motivated behaviors and behaviors encouraged
- The management of the customer
- Customer Database
- The tools for the management of the customer portfolio
- The process of acquisition and customer loyalty
- The customer as a seller: manage word of mouth
- The perception of quality
- How to increase customer awareness.
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MK03 - Corel Draw
The course aims to illustrate the fundamentals of Computer Graphics and to know the basic tools used by Corel Draw. The practical realization of case exercises will greatly facilitate the assimilation of theoretical concepts.
3 days Details
The course is designed for any level of user.
- Overview on Computer Graphics
- Presentation of the applications in Corel Draw
- Draw, photopaint, chart, show
- The Work Environment of Corel Draw and toolbars
- Display mode and use of zooming
- Concept of object and its properties
- Basic operations on objects
- Selection, move, rotate, resize, copy, alignment, distribution, grouping
- Basic tools: rectangle, ellipse, line
- Contours and filling: shape, thickness, color
- Working with texts: creation and editing, graphic texts and paragraphs
- Blocking objects
- Commands hooks up : guidelines and grid
- Document Management and printing
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MK04 - Adobe Photoshop
The course aims to illustrate the basic techniques of digital image processing, with particular reference to commands and tools provided by the program. Particular attention will also be paid to the balance of colors and levels of contrast and brightness, nonchè as well as the scanning of color images and black and white. Also will be presented advanced techniques for the creation of complex shapes and for four-colour printing images.
3 days Details
The course is designed for any level of user.
- Definition of digital image
- Image file formats
- Techniques of digital photo retouching
- Color balance and levels of contrast and brightness
- Scanning of color images and black and white
- Creating special effects
- Four-colour printing
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MK05 - 3D Studio Max
The course aims to explain to the participant the 3D studio max functionalities.
3 days Details
For those who have the basics of computer graphics.
- Introduction
- Graphic interface
- Using the Menus and parameters rollout
- Operations in 3D space, building and object modeling
- Rendering
- Animation
- Objects
- Basics about selecting objects
- Locking and unlocking objects
- Moving, scaling, rotating objects
- Working with constraints on the axes
- Modeling Nurbs
- Introduction to modeling nurbs
- Nurbs models: objects and sub-objects, creating nurbs models
- Editing nurbs models and creation of sub-objects
- Types of sub-objects
- Nurbs and modifiers
- Lights and shadows
- Notes on the use of lights in 3D Computer Graphics
- Types of light in 3D Studio Max
- Setting and changing the parameters of the lights
- Positioning and animation of lights
- Setting the type of shadows
- Mapped shadows and shadows raytracing
- Materials
- Standard materials, compounds, ray tracing, matt / shade, mixture, both sides, sub / object, upper / lower
- 2D maps, 3D, of composition, of color change, of reflection and refraction
- Animation
- Principles of animation
- Methods of traditional animation
- Animation tools
- Editor tracces
- Cadence of frames and speed of playback
- Render
- Using the render window
- Image types and compression type
- Saving animations
- Kind of movie and compression
- Controller
- Notions of controller
- Changing the properties of the controller
- Assigning Controllers
- Types of controller
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MK06 - Macromedia Flash
The course aims to illustrate the preparation and management of letters, circulars, tables, relationships, optimizing the use of tools and various forms of help that the application provides.
2 days Details
The course is aimed at those who want to learn how to use Word for document preparation.
- The workspace Word
- Window, rulers, toolbars, status bar, the display mode of the document and Office Assistant
- Typing and revision of the text
- Selection and management of text, search and automatic replacement
- Document formatting
- Font, type, size, paragraphs, alignment, indenting, line spacing and spacing, pages, margins, orientation and size
- Revision of basic functionality
- Formatting
- Borders and shading, bullets and numbering
- Printing documents
- Preview, print options
- Tabs and tables
- Traditional tab, creation / design table, table formatting
- Save, export, import and protection of documents
- Documents from previous versions of Word, file of other applications, document protection
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MK07 - The effective communication
This course provides the methodological tools to achieve a conscious and effective communication level.
2 days Details
Responsible for public relations and curators of corporate image, managers of foreign areas, product manager, responsible for the management and coordination of human resources.
- Preparing for communication
- Objectives, time
- Modality and target
- The structuring of communicative action
- Premise and nucleus
- Conclusions, priority
- Borders of communication
- Oral and written communication
- Development of fixed parts
- Content and purpose of the premise
- Nucleus and conclusion
- Selecting information
- The time, the user and the objectives
- Priorities within the individual parts
- Positioning of the subject
- Placement of the message parts
- Importance and impact of the communication strategy
- Memory of the message
- Factors that influence the message (visual factors, motion, acoustic)
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