16/11/2016 by Umberto Orabona Historical day: Microsoft joins Linux Foundation
"Linux Foundation, a non profit organization that supports the development of kernel Linux has a new member: Microsoft"
During the conference Connect 2016, underway in New York, Microsoft itself has announced its entry into the Linux Foundation, committing to become "platinum member" and paying an annual fee of $ 500,000. Microsoft is already contributing to several projects followed by the Linux Foundation: OpenDaylight, Open Container Initiative, R Consortium and Open API Initiative. The arrival in the big style of Microsoft, however, can allow the Redmond's company to sit near the community of free and open source software developers. From a long time Microsoft supports convincingly many open source projects, which it sees as an essential tool to innovate and help customers do business. Microsoft's entry into the Linux Foundation will bring, of course, enormous benefits for the Redmond company.
18/11/2016 by Elena Giotto Free CAD also for businesses: Medusa
"The German CAD Schroer has just made available a new version of its free CAD MEDUSA4 Personal "
The application, available for Windows and Linux systems, is a true professional CAD software can be freely used also by small and medium enterprises to create drawings and projects. The approach is completely different than traditional software: you are not in fact forced to pay the license to use the software, but you will pay a reduced amount only after having completed the work. In addition to basic functions, the Cad free MEDUSA4 Personal offers the ability to design in 3D from 2D drawings; for the latter, the program uses the dynamic line and tools for the creation of geometry, construction lines, grids, text tools, hyperlinks, a tree structure for the logical grouping of geometry, level management, dimensioning flexible and you can change the units of measurement of the drawings, from metric to imperial system. Each drawing made with MEDUSA4 can be freely parameterized so as to be adaptable to changing needs.
22/11/2016 by Dario Massa Users of social network: an identikit
"To give a hand to those who want to know the user type has thought Smart Paper's Help which traced a sort of user ID card of the leading social networks"
A clear digital strategy is essential for any person who wants to take advantage of the visibility offered by social and similar but, to avoid wasting time and resources, need to know the environment in question, the target audience of each platform and, of course, the compatibility with their own. Facebook is the social more "generalist", , used for a variety of purposes, from business to entertainment. The Zuckerberg's creature seems the perfect place to do influencer marketing, as they are rewarded the interactions between users, such as those between the contents. What keeps businesses and similar away from the Twitter platform is the "mith" of real time. This Social, born to the microblogging, comes as the social of continuously upgrade, obviously in contrast with the time and resources of a company.Actually, according to surveys of Smart Paper's Help, of more than 320 million active users per month, at least 44% have never tweet. Among the verifications of the study also the "professional" use of a platform like LinkedIn, which seems to be, in fact, the best place to meet over 35 from the career well under way that use social to make network. Even companies, however, seem to have been aware of the strategic potential of Linkedin: at least 59% of business subjects, in fact, has created corporate pages.