The purchase of hardware and software products represents a long term investments for every type of company. The ICT Assets Management has become more difficult and expensive. The classification, distribution and monitoring process of this strategic Asset have to be done with correct support tools.
The result is a continuous digitization and automation process that helps the man in taking decision and using correctly the hardware and software resource of the company (Software Compliance). There are two main problems under the metering and management of ICT Asset:
- The company overestimates the requirements of resources to avoid any kind of problems in the period of high demand, causing a cost increase and a efficiency reduction
- he company overestimates the human resources addicted on ICT resource analysis and support
Because of this it’s necessary to have a flexible and accurate management tool, the scope is to help the Information Technology Manager in the decision process for the purchase of new software license and more other activities. There are several monitoring and metering tools available, but only few of this success to solve the problem listed above, because they don’t allow to directly work on some type of inefficiencies and bad uses. The listed companies and the company that want to go public have the duty to optimize these aspects with the most recent method and the best software.
Our ICT Asset Metering idea
For these reasons we recommend to our clients Open iT® Software, a monitoring and optimization tool of hardware and software resources, that have several applications, studied for all the needs. This software allows to manage, meter and monitor the resources and the users who are working with them, but also to optimize the usage of resource trough an automatic management and redistribution process.
Our ICT Asset Metering idea: Efficiency Improvement, Cost Reduction
PJM offers to his clients a complete solutions made of:
- A complete analysis e optimization software, easy to configure and good for every needs. Open iT® allows to create reports based on different time interval and with several configurations and variables. These reports present software analysis about either monitoring and management of license software usage (software metering), either usage and performance analysis about hardware ( I/O devices, hard drive, CPU, etc.)
- An efficient and dedicated consulting service, that is the result of our experience with this product. We identify three different professional profile, specialized in:
- Data analysis and explanation
- After Installation support
- Tutorial to software utilization
- KPI definition
- Installation, configuration and implementation of the software
- Customization and tuning
- Software management support
- Maintenance and service
- Maintenance and service
- Mentored assistant activity