ICT01 - Bases of nets 
At the end of the course participants will know mechanisms of operation of IP networks.
1 day Details
The course is aimed at those who, within a company or an office, is to manage a computer network, sharing important documents and sensitive data with the primary purpose to preserve its integrity.
- Introduction hardware
- Assembly of the computer with the installation of the motherboard, floppy disk, hard disk, RAM, CD-ROM and video card
- Adding peripherals and multimedia accessories
- Introduction to History
- Installation and configuration of the operating system: Windows XP and Linux
- Compatibility and interoperability between versions of Windows and Linux
- Basic knowledge of LAN, network protocols and models ISO / OSI and TCP \ IP and client-server paradigm
- Connect your PC to a LAN and the Internet
- Configure and install a printer on the local and shared network
- Advanced hardware installations: RAID, external devices, peripherals Servers and their upgrade
- Troubleshooting hardware and Operating System
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ICT02 - Planning of nets
Faced with this panorama in rapid evolution, the course aims to provide participants with the criteria, methods and rules for designing local networks.
2 days Details
The course is aimed at those who, within a company or an office, is to manage a computer network, sharing important documents and sensitive data with the primary purpose to preserve its integrity.
- Main notions
- Introduction to data networks
- Reference model ISO / OSI
- The IEEE Standard
- Standard Ethernet
- IP addressing
- Methods and tools for the design of data networks
- Structured Cabling
- Network equipment active
- Solving Problems
- Routing
- Introduction to Router and programming command line
- Routing protocols Distant Vector and Link-State
- Differences between Routing Classless and Classfull
- The routing tables
- LAN and Wireless
- Designing of local networks and technical drawing
- Introduction to Switches and programming command line
- Wireless Networks
- Optimization of local networks by implementing VLANs and Inter-VLAN Routing
- Routing
- Introduction to Computer security
- Access control lists
- Advanced IP addressing
- Equipment and types of WAN connections
- Protocols PPP, PPPoE and Frame Relay
- Introduction to Tunneling and VPNs
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ICT03 - Multimedia
The course aims to train technicians who integrate informatic , technologic and audiovisual communication skills through a good basic knowledge on the fundamental aspects of audiovisual communication and a thorough knowledge of the theory, methods and tools, hardware and software used for the development of multimedia applications. After completing the course, participants will be able to develop multimedia applications, using software products of different types and application integrating the use of different devices.
1 day Details
professionals who are already working or wanting to work in different companies: advertising companies, marketing and communication; companies that make multimedia materials for the publishing industry; software companies who make applications for information and presentation (info points, electronic catalogs, etc.).
- The world of multimedia
- The definition of multimedia
- Benefits
- What is ipermedia
- Passive and interactive multimedia
- Passive multimedia
- Interactive multimedia
- levels of interactivity
- The elements of a multimedia PC
- Audio and video systems
- the CD-ROM
- Standard MPC
- The multimedia in teaching
- Multimedia in school
- Educational games
- Exercise programs
- Multimedia in the field of consultation
- Multimedia encyclopedia
- Encyclopedia of the media cinema
- The multimedia in entertainment
- Multimedia games
- Multimedia as art
- Multimedia in business
- Advertising media
- Dissemination of multimedia information
- Multimedial Showroom
- Create sounds
- Editing programs of samples, MIDI
- Compression of sounds
- Create images
- Imported images
- Creation and editing of images
- Virtual images
- Image compression
- Create video
- Capture video
- Reduce the video data
- Video data compression
- Create animations
- Traditional animation
- Animation with computer models
- Combine the elements
- Dividing a project
- Storyboard composition
- Multimedia presentations
- Systems for creating multimedia
- Programming languages multimedia
- Careful design of multimedia
- The appropriate media
- Screens clear
- Useful interfaces
- Functional interface tools
- Effective colors
- A functional help system
- Dial a CD-ROM
- File preparation
- Hardware for CD-ROM recording
- Playing CD-ROM
- Laboratory
- Case Study
- Tutorials
- Examples of applications
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ICT04 - Social Network/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Linkedin/ Youtube
This course is a useful tool for understanding the critical issues emerging from the impact of new digital technologies on communication, with the objective to learn and leverage the power of social networks, for relate innovatively and effectively with potential clients or followers. After completing the course, participants will have learned how to create Facebook pages, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube and refined techniques to effectively communicate on social networks, through the creation of profiles, business and not, creating a real online community and to manage multiple social media simultaneously.
3 days Details
All who are interested in integrating their curriculum with new knowledge: undergraduate, graduate, creative, experts and marketing professionals, social media managers, bloggers and anyone who wants to learn how to create Facebook pages, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.
Introduction to main Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube
- Facebook
- Create an account, private or public: credentials, password, security, and publish settings
- Insert content on your page and manage it as a whole
- Knowing how to select the right audience with limitations and accessibility
- Monitor results and increase the notoriety of the page, private and public
- Create an advertising campaign for a fee and manage it
- Request a Web service
- Sponsors manage and communicate with the application
- Twitter
- Create a profile
- Write professionally on Twitter
- Find followers and track results
- Write a tweet, use a hashtag and find interesting conversations for the company and for the private visibility
- How to interact with potential customers
- Linkedin
- Open a business page, and understand how to structure it better
- Creating pages showcase to highlight individual products / services of business
- Establish an ad hoc editorial plan
- Understand if you are attracting the right followers in your page
- Monitoring visits, interesting profiles and shared content
- Sponsor post with Ads Linkedin
- Post jobs
- Youtube
- Create a business channel and manage the inclusion of content
- Understand how works the positioning on the canal
- Organize channel home to increase the viewer's stay on its platform
- Write effective descriptions for videos uploaded with their captions
- How to climb the rankings to increase its viewability
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ICT05 - ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
The course objective is to provide guidelines to manage and control the quality of IT services, adapting and integrating resources, both human and structural, organized to bring value to the business. At the end of the course participants will learn the methodologies, processes and functions to improve the quality of IT services provided by an organization and will contribute to an improvement program of services and be prepared to take the exam at an accredited center for the ITIL® certification - Information Technology Infrastructure Library.
3 days Details
This course is aimed at anyone working within Information Technology structures and is interested in acquiring knowledge to ensure best Pratictices of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in IT Service Management as: IT Manager, Staff IT and Process Owner, Application Manager, Project Manager and Business Manager directly involved in the delivery and / or support of IT services, information systems managers, IT auditor, Service Management Consultant.
- Objectives and basic concepts of the processes of
- Service Portfolio Management
- Demand Management
- Financial Management
- Service Catalogne Management
- Availability Management
- Information Security Management
- Supplier Management
- Capacity Management
- IT Service Continuity Management
- Service Asset and Configuration Management
- Release and Deployment Management
- Event Management
- Request Fulfilment
- Problem Management
- Access Management
- Depth discussion of the processes of
- Service Strategy preparation
- Service Level Management
- Incident MAnagement
- Change Management
- 7 step improvement
- The main IT functions
- Service Desk
- Application Management
- Operation Management
- Technical Management
- The roles in Service Management: Process Manager and Service Manager
- Reference framework on technologies to support automation of ICT processes
- Management
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ICT06 - Wordpress
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System), that is a system to manage content, which allows to develop any type of Web site, thanks to its ease of use and flexibility of the structure. After completing the course, participants will have learned how to create a Web site (blog, computer portal, corporate or personal website, ecommerce, portfolio), customize the CMS to fit any need or customer, and administer it.
3 days Details
The course of WordPress is aimed at those who want to create a Web site with dynamic content or wanting to enrich their CV with a skill increasingly in demand in the world of web design. Aimed at professionals and, more generally, to all persons wishing to update their knowledge on the design of websites using the WordPress platform. The course is also suitable for university students and scholars in the field who intend to discover and explore the opportunities of Open Source software.
- Introduction and Installation
- Introduction to CMS
- Functionality and features (what is meant by CMS, the various types)
- Introduction to the local server (Xampp or Mamp)
- Installation (automatic and manual)
- Login and first access to the administration
- Front-end and Back-end of WordPress
- Configuration
- Tools for administration
- First configurations
- Writing and Reading Options
- Content management
- Write a post for your blog
- Assigning categories and tags to the post
- Images management
- Managing pages and categories
- Comments and users
- Managing comments
- Configuration and comment moderation
- User management
- URL and link
- URL structure
- External links and internal links
- Plug-in and pages
- Installation of a plug-in
- Managing plug-in
- Themes and Widgets
- Templates
- Widgets
- Create custom menus
- Customize backgrounds
- Customize the header
- Editor for editing CSS code
- Editing support tools
- Pingback and trackback
- Feed
- Blogroll
- SEO introduction
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ICT07 - Joomla!
Joomla! is a CMS (Content Management System), that is a system to manage content, which allows to develop any type of Web site, thanks to its ease of use and flexibility of the structure. The course aims to provide participants the tools to create a website with Joomla!, from the choice of template to the menu structure, publish it on the remote server and independently manage the site.

3 days Details
The course is designed for Web Masters of all companies, non-profit organizations and associations who wish to be autonomous in the creation and management of its website and to people who want to increase their knowledge in the web industry achieving a vocational training without the need to know or study the programming languages.
- Introduction
- What is a CMS
- General overview of Joomla!
- Installation and initial configuration
- Websites: features of a professional dynamic website
- Work on the remote server
- Access to administration Joomla! and remote management of CMS
- Back-end and Front-end
- The Ikonart remote locations: access and use
- Build website
- Analysis of objectives
- Analysis of target
- How to study your own website
- Standards and usability of websites
- The navigation menu: creation and characteristics of the menu items
- The dynamic and static contents
- Classify content: sections, categories and articles
- Components and modules: what they are and what they do
- Extensions: handle and install templates, modules, components, plugins
- Users: users management and access levels, enable permissions
- Open areas for the dynamic insertion of news or information on products / services
- Opening of the standard areas: restricted area, overlay, banner management, FAQ, search functions
- Selection, configuration and testing of the most important extensions: newsletter, photo gallery, sharing Facebook, Forum, catalog of images, Google Maps, etc.
- Customizing the graphics
- The template of Joomla!: download, installation and customization
- Modify a chart template: overview of the professional software on the market and main features
- Free tools and professional software to speed up and optimize the graphic work, creating icons, resizing of images
- Technical features
- Provider choice: technical features and services offered
- Using of client FTP
- The structure of folders Joomla! (Admin area, public area, area charts templates, components)
- Insights on the configuration of Joomla! (Servers, mail servers, user registration)
- Export of Joomla! from local to remote
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ICT08 - Linux Base
The course aims to explain to the participants the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the open source world and Linux operating systems. After completing the course, the learner will be able to know the basic concepts, technical terminology, to install an operating system and to approach it in complete autonomy.
1 day Details
The basic course is intended for individuals and professionals in general who want to learn about the open source and Linux operating systems in a more structured and profitable.
- History of the open source movement
- Linux Torvalds and the birth of Linux
- Evolution of Kernel and appearance of the first GNU/Linux
- Comparison between the most common distribution
- Installation of a distribution
- Panoramic on the structure of the distribution
- Powering on and off and normal activities of system administration
- Using of popular software packages
- Networking and internet
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ICT09 - Linux Intermediate
The course aims to provide participants the theoretical and practical knowledge of the world of open source and Linux operating systems, starting with the basic knowledge of the main commands to the process management. After completing the course, the learner will be able to know the basics, shell commands and process management of the main operating systems based on Linux kernel.
2 days Details
The intermediate course is intended for individuals and professionals in general who want to deepen their basic knowledge of Linux operating systems, for use on their own all the potentials that are offered to users of the system.
- Basics of Linux
- History the open source movement and the birth of Linux
- Kernel evolution, comparison of the most popular distributions and installation
- Powering, shutdown and normal activities of system administration
- Use of popular software packages
- The Command line and basic operation of the Shell Bash
- Variables of the environment and alias
- Redirection of input, output and concatenation command
- Commands for manage and search files and folders
- The commands to process text streams
- Searches on text files through the use of regular expressions
- Creating, control and termination of process
- Launch background job
- Changing the process execution priorities
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ICT10 - Linux Advanced
The course aims to provide participants the theoretical and practical knowledge of the world of open source and management of the Linux operating systems client side and server side . After completing the course the learner will be able to use all the features proposed by the systems and to independently manage all the possible issues related to a company's distributed network.
2 days Details
The advanced course is intended for the world of ICT professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of open source and Linux operating systems in a more structured and profitable way. The main figures involved are programmers analysts, systems and help desk staff to the first or second level.
- Networking and internet
- Design philosophy of the system
- The tree structure of the file and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Architecture files and links (Hard link and symbolic link)
- Setting disks, creating partitions and filesystems
- Mounting, unmounting and maintenance of the integrity of the filesystem
- Recognition of the basic hardware resources
- Starting services (runlevel), shutdown or reboot system
- Istallation and configuring the boot manager
- Installing packages of the most popular distributions
- The command line, run the Shell Bash
- Variables of environment and alias
- Redirect Input, output and concatenation command
- Commands for manage and search files and folders
- The commands to process text streams and searches through the use of regular expressions
- Creating, control, termination and priorities of process
- The user permissions for access to files and folders
- Management system access
- Installation of software from source code
- Dependencies from programs
- The integration with Windows networks and network services
- Solve common problems
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ICT11 - Foundations of Informatics
Introducing the user in the world of computing, by introducing him to the fundamentals of computing, its components, its use in the company, the evolution.
1 day Details
Everyone, especially people who have to deal with computer science at various levels without being specialists (office managers, executives, managers, etc.) and those who have to become specialists later.
- Introducing information technology
- First concepts (system, process, information, etc.)
- Hardware and software
- A brief history of computers
- Representation of information
- Numbering systems
- Coding of information
- Structure of the computer
- Functional logic model
- Main memory
- Central unit
- Auxiliary memories
- Input / output devices
- From the problem to the program
- Problem analysis and solution design
- Coding in symbolic language
- Program documentation
- Trial and execution program
- Programming languages
- Communication with the machine and types of languages
- Characteristics and differences of the most popular languages (Cobol, Pascal, Fortran, etc.)
- Design and implementation of software
- The software life cycle
- Design methodologies
- Software documentation
- Software quality
- Automated help tools (editor, debugger, CASE)
- Information system
- Definition of data and information
- Organization of a company
- Structure of the information system in the company
- Components of an information system
- Security in information systems
- Databases
- Why databases
- Models of data representation
- Database design
- Distributed databases
- Security in databases
- Telematics
- Hardware and software related to systems for data transmission
- Local networks
- Wide area networks
- Applications and telematic services
- Information technology in society
- Use of computers in offices
- The automatic factory
- Computer at home
- Information technology in hospitals
- The professionals of information technology
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ICT12 - Microsoft Word
The course aims to illustrate the tools that the application provides for the creation, access, and manage documents. Special attention is also given to the new features offered: teamwork, automation and customization of the work environment, integration with other Office applications.
1 day Details
The course is aimed at those who wish to explore the potential of Word in the management of complex documents.
- Summary basic functionality
- Management characters, paragraphs, pages
- Bullets and numbering
- Tables
- Complex and large documents
- Styles: use predefined styles, creating and editing styles
- Summaries
- Using sections, headers and footers
- Cross-references
- Bookmarks
- Creating models
- Managing images and graphic objects
- Drawing tools
- Inserting and image management
- Word Art
- Teamwork
- Document revision
- Sending to distribution lists
- Documents protection
- Mail merge
- Creation of the main document
- Finding or creating the data file
- Inserting fields and logic functions
- Access to external databases
- Creating envelopes and labels
- Integration with other applications and external data
- Embed objects (Excel, PowerPoint)
- Connect objects (Excel, PowerPoint)
- Features "Paste special"
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ICT13 - Microsoft Excel
The course aims to illustrate the following themes: input and editing of data in cells, use formulas and functions, graphical representation of data, database management. Special attention is also given to the new features offered: the tools dedicated to group work, the use of the database, data analysis through Pivot tables, the personalization of the work environment.
2 days Details
The course is aimed at those who, having a basic knowledge on the tools of Excel, wants to better understand the potential and the advanced features of the application
- Summary basic functionality
- The work area of Excel, entering and editing data, formatting cells
- Depth study on the use of the main functions
- Logic functions, functions for text handling, functions date / time, search functions and reference
- Rounding functions
- Advanced management of the database, rules of databases creation, subtotals, advanced filters, functions for calculating on the database
- External Data Access
- Pivot Tables
- Mode of data visualization, calculation functions in a Pivot table
- Advanced tools for graphical representation of data
- Auto-graphic composition, formatting chart
- Auto formatting with custom templates
- Teamwork
- Cell protection, sheets, workbooks
- Use comments
- Shared workbooks
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ICT14 - Microsoft Powerpoint
The course aims to illustrate: the use of color in presentations, the combination of text and images, the use and the formatting of words, the inclusion of figures, the logical sequence of slides.
1 day Details
The course is aimed at those who need to deepen their expertise in creating and managing professional presentations in public to propose new investments, to present new projects or to analyze activities reached their conclusion.
- Summary basic functionality
- Slide elements
- Elements of a presentation
- Text entry
- Insertion of graphic objects
- Color management
- View and print the presentation
- Teamwork
- Use of comments
- Functionality "notes presentation"
- Functionality "search slides"
- Hyperlinks
- Creating links to other documents and presentations Office
- Using objects for the creation of links
- Overview of presentation techniques
- Make a presentation in front of an audience
- Presentation styles
- Different tools used: overhead projector, projector, printer, Web
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ICT15 - ECDL Start
The ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) certifies the possession of computer skills at different levels of specialization. The course dedicated to it, in the base form, aims to illustrate to participants fundamental concepts of information technology required to use the PC in its basic applications, with particular reference to the office software, the management of email and internet. The course also aims to provide the tools to take the exam at an accredited center for ECDL certification.
2 days Details
The course is intended for all those who are deprived of basic computer skills, or who possess them incompletely, also for all those who have interest in increasing their skills in computer use. The course can be taken by students, professionals and employees of the company and, in general, by all those who wish to have official recognition at national and international level of informatics knowledge.
The ECDL certifications are divided into various modules, from based on specialized ones, depending on the required level. The ECDL Start consists of the following modules:
- Module 1: Fundamentals of computer
- Computers and devices: information technologies, hardware, software and licenses, start and termination of a session
- Desktop, icons, settings: desktop and icons , using Windows, tools and settings
- Printers and output: use of texts, prints settings
- File management: file and folder, organization of files and folders, archive and compression
- Networks: networking concepts, network access
- Safety and welfare: Data and devices protection, malware, health and green IT
- Module 2: Browsing the net
- Navigation concepts: key concepts, security of access and ergonomics
- Web browsing: use of web browsers, tools and settings, bookmarks, results of web searches
; - Information gathered on the web: information search, critical evaluation, copyright for data protection
- Communication concepts: online communities, communication tools, e-mail concepts
- Using e-mail: e-mail sending, receiving e-mail, tools and settings, organize e-mail, use of calendars
- Module 3: Document processing
- Using the application: working with documents, improve productivity
- Create a document: enter text, select it and modify it
- Formatting: formatting text, a paragraph, use styles
- Objects: create a table, format a table, graphic objects
- Mail merge: setting, results and prints
- Prepare outputs: setting, monitoring and printing
- Module 4: Spreadsheets and of calculation
- Using the application: working with spreadsheets, improve productivity
- Cells: insert, select, edit, sort, copy, move, delete
- Managing worksheets: rows and columns, worksheets
- Formulas and Functions: arithmetic formulas, functions
- Formatting: numbers and dates, content, alignment, borders and graphic effects
- Graphics: creating, editing
- Preparation of the prints: setting, monitoring and printing
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ICT16 - ECDL Full
The ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) certifies the possession of computer skills at different levels of specialization. The course dedicated to it, in the Advanced form, it arises to develop a higher level computer skills relating to office applications. At the end of the course, learners will be able to take the exam at an accredited center for ECDL certification.
3 days Details
The course can be taken by students, professionals and employees of the company and, in general, by all those who wish to have official recognition at national and international level of informatic knowledge. To participate ECDL Full is necessary the completion of the ECDL Start, so you have to know: Module 1: Fundamentals of computer; Module 2: Browsing the network; Module 3: Development documents; Module 4: Spreadsheets and of calculation.
After have recapitulated the contents of the first four modules, we will analyse the follows:
- Module 5: Safe use of the network
- Concepts related to informatics security: malware, value of information, personal security, file protection
- Malware: definition and function, types of threats, malware protection
- Network security: networks, network connections, security of wireless connections, access control
- Safe use of the Web: Web browsing, social networking
- Communications: email, instant messaging
- Secure data management: protection and backup
- Module 6: Making presentations
- Using the application: work with performance, improve productivity
- Development of a presentation: views of a presentation, slide, slide masters
- Texts: the texts management, formatting, lists, tables
- Pages: use of the pages and their organization
- Graphic objects: input and editing, draw objects
- Preparation of output: preparation, spell check and release
- Module 7: Communicate and collaborate online
- Online collaboration concepts: key concepts, cloud computing
- Setting for online collaboration: common features of setting, defining your settings
- Uses online collaboration tools: productivity applications and online storage, online calendars, social media, online meetings, online learning environments
- Mobile Collaboration: key concepts, use of mobile devices, applications, synchronization.
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ICT17 - Windows Client
At the end of the course users will be able to use the various types of installation and upgrade paths available, configure and manage the desktop Windows Client.
3 days Details
The course is aimed at users that use operating systems such as base support and do not possess privileges business.
- Chronology and versions of Windows
- Windows Client News: brief notes on the installation of Windows Client specificity than previous systems (theoretical outline)
- Control Panel and managing files and folders
- Network configuration
- Management of installed services and disabling unnecessary services and applications
- Management of users and groups and their privileges. In particular:
- Creating groups and local users
- Policy management locally in order to enable or allow non-administrators to perform only certain operations
- Creating and using locally-users with locked profile (mandatory) for the management of workstations in computer rooms
- Safety components
- Installation administrative tools
- Monitoring, optimization and troubleshooting
- Virtual PC
- Corporate deployment of Windows Client
- Software tools for the management of the operating system
- The configuration of the lab network: TCP / IPv4 and / or TCP / IPv6
- Wireless networks
- Desktop remote and centralized management of PC
- The firewall
- Antimalware and antivirus
- Sharing files, printers
- Restrict user rights
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ICT18 - Windows Office Base
The course aims to train professionals with a high level of competence in the use of applications for managing the office, using more aware applications packages dedicated to the drafting of texts, spreadsheets, presentation management of databases and software dedicated to web browsing using the advanced features of the same packages.
3 days Details
The course is open across to various business professional figures.
- Basic concepts
- Introduction to ICT
- Hardware and Software
- Networks
- Definition of a Word document
- The Word window and menus
- Toolbars and the views of a document
- Opening, creating, saving and searching for documents
- Enter and edit text
- Character formatting and formatting paragraphs
- Bullets and numbering
- The ruler and tabs, borders and backgrounds
- Drawings and images
- Styles and Templates
- Use styles and customize style
- Use templates
- Inserting indexes and summaries
- Inserting notes
- Creating, formatting and printing documents
- Set the printer and set the page
- Header and footer
- Defining an Excel document
- The worksheet and the folder
- Menus and toolbars
- Opening, creating, saving and search
- Management of cells, rows and columns and folder management
- The various types of data
- Formatting and formulas
- Alignment of the cell contents and number formats
- Automatic and conditional formatting
- The numeric operators and the formula bar
- Simple functions and relative and absolute references
- Input mode "Point & Click"
- The press
- Definition of print areas
- Title row and column, headers and footers
- Definition of a PowerPoint document
- Running PowerPoint
- Overview of the elements that make up the screen
- The various types of display
- Creating a presentation from a template
- Text Tools
- Entering text and management of bullets
- Managing boxes text
- Tools for design and presentations
- Draw shapes and forms coloring
- Color the background of the presentation
- Rotate and flip shapes
- Insertion and management of clip-art, images and sounds
- Application of transition effects and sequence to the slides and/or custom shows
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ICT19 - Windows Office Advanced
To manage and implement advanced features of the Windows operating system, Internet, email, Word, Excel, Power Point and Access.
3 days Details
The course is aimed at users who are familiar with the course of Windows Office 2000 base.
Advanced functions of the Office applications: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access.
- Word
- Management of business documents
- Mail Merge
- Excel
- Using formulas, logical functions and advanced calculation
- Pivot tables
- Creating charts and graphs
- Power Point
- Creating presentations with complex layouts
- Use of multimedia effects and perfecting graphics
- Access
- Designing and creating databases (keys, attributes, record)
- Queries
- Using masks
- Summary reports
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ICT20 - Design of Data Base
The course aims to illustrate the methodological tools for designing Database.
3 days Details
Systems engineers, analysts and application programmers, managers of business units.
- Collection and analysis of requirements
- Collection and informal specifications
- Defining glossaries
- Check consistency of glossaries
- The Entity-Relationship model extended
- Conceptual design
- Model the views of user
- Defining patterns of operations
- Integration of views and updating patterns operations
- Conceptual schema definition
- Designing logical scheme
- Refinement of the global conceptual framework
- Translation of the model in reticular or relational schema
- Specification of the skeleton application
- Physical design
- Translation of the logical schema in the physical schema of the DBMS
- Optimization of structures of data access
- The prototype approach to the project of Database
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ICT21 - Data Base Management
The course aims to illustrate the functionality of the product and to provide practical tools for using Project as support to project management.
2 days Details
Systems engineers, analysts and application programmers, managers of business units.
- Theory of database
- Why Databases
- Databases and DBMS
- Description of the data
- Architecture and descriptions of patterns (internal, external, conceptual)
- Models of data representation
- Entity-Relationship model
- Graph model (hierarchical and reticular)
- Relational Model
- Distributed databases
- Database Client-Server
- Multimedia databases
- Database design
- Paradigm Objet-Oriented
- Introduction and basic concepts
- Databases Object-Oriented
- User-Friendly Graphical interfaces for databases
- Some products on the market
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ICT22- Language C++
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills that enable the use of the tools of programming language C ++.
3 days Details
People who intend to acquire the basic skills in using the tools of programming language C ++.
- Object-oriented programming
- The classes
- Objects
- Functions
- Standard libraries
- Concepts of structured programming
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ICT23 - Microsoft Visual Basic
The course aims to illustrate and to acquire the programming model to events and to make the participants able to rapidly create Windows applications.
3 days Details
People who intend to acquire the basic skills in using the programming tools provided by Visual Basic.
- Programming events
- The environment of Visual Basic
- The basic syntax.
- Onjects
- Functions and procedures.
- Control structures
- The form and the controls
- Properties, events, and methods of objects
- The dialog windows
- Active X controls
- Database management
- functioning of Visual Manager
- Relational databases
- DataControl and DBGrid control
- Crystal Report
- Print conditioning
- Interfacing to DataControl
- Using formulas
- Operations of sequential files
- Creation of the executable file, debugging techniques
- Notes on VBA and VBScipt
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ICT24 - Language HTML
The course aims to illustrate the basics of the language and the main commands to format text, insert images, links, tables, forms and everything that can make it more engaging and interactive a professional Website. During the lessons, the theoretical arguments needed to introduce the main language commands will be joined together with examples and practical exercises.
3 days Details
The course is designed for any level of user.
- The basics of HTML and tags
- Head and body of the page
- Text attributes: logical styles and physical styles, size and type of font
- Special Characters
- Hyperlink: internal and external links, links to email addresses
- Inserting images, setting colors and backgrounds
- Tables: creation of the structure and properties settings
- Use of external files, multimedia and animations
- Frames: creation and usage
- The forms: text boxes, menus, options, buttons
- Meta tags and style elements
- Notes on the evolution of language: dynamic HTML
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ICT25 - ASP Planning
The course aims to illustrate the techniques for creating dynamic pages with ASP, interacting with relational databases such as Access and SQL Server. The course includes the practical realization examples of exercises that allow you to immediately put into practice the knowledge acquired.
3 days Details
For those who have a working knowledge of HTML and is interested in managing databases via web pages.
- Models of client / server architecture
- Web Server configuration
- Introduction to ASP and server-side scripting
- Items ASP (properties, methods and events)
- Relational databases and the basics of SQL
- VBScript: syntax, control structures, functions, and commands
- The installable components of Asp
- Access to database with ADO (Active Data Objects)
- The collections
- QueryString, Form, ServerVariables, Cookies
- COM objects on the server side
- Adding, editing and deleting data form / table and form master / detail
- Optimize the performance of ASP pages
- HTTP authentication and security issues with ASP
- Use of the ASP for e-commerce
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ICT26 - Language SQL
Allow participants to query a database and implement programs that include references to a base of data, using SQL.
3 days Details
Application programmers, Systems engineers, even occasional users of database
- Outline of database systems
- Relational databases
- The query languages of Databases
- The SQL language
- Creating a Data Base
- Definition of Database
- Definition of tables
- Operations of selection and projection (SELECT statement)
- The various clauses (FROM, WHERE, HAVING, etc.)
- Complex questions
- The Join
- Updating data
- Data entry
- Cancellation of lines
- Updating values
- The optimization of access
- The views
- The report generation
- Data security
- Application development
- Some implementations of SQL
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ICT27 - Database SQL
The SQL (Structured Query Language) course aims to provide participants with the skills to design, implement and provide relational databases using SQL. At the end of the course you will be able to run queries on relational databases, designing databases for personal archiving, executing action queries for data management, and also to represent the output Question of an Office Automation Program (Excel, Access).
3 days Details
The course is intended for database administrators, IT Developers, Technical Professionals, Students and anyone who wanted to interrogate, with the SQL language, specific databases (SQL Server, Oracle, Access, MySQL, DB2, etc.) for retrieving data subsets correct, efficient and effective manner.
- Query Microsoft SQL
- Creation of database objects, and modifying tables through T-SQL syntax
- Create and edit views and triggers DML
- Perform data queries using SELECT statements
- Using data
- Implementations sub-queries, data types and aggregated query
- Create and edit stored procedures
- Modifying Data Through INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
- Combination of data records (usage of functions, troubleshooting and optimization, optimize queries, transaction management, usage rating of transactions based on lines or set-based operations, implementation of error handling)
- Server Administering Microsoft SQL Server
- Installation and configuration
- Planning for SQL Server
- Installing SQL Server and related services
- Implementation of a migration strategy
- Configure Additional SQL Server components
- SQL Server Agent Manager
- Management of database instances and
- Management and Database Configuration
- Configuration, implementation, management and control of clustered instances of SQL Server
- Resolution of problems and optimization
- Identification and resolution of problems of competition
- Data collection and analysis for troubleshooting
- Data Management
- Configuration and management of a backup strategy
- Database Recovery
- Implementation and management of indices
- Implementation and data export
- Security implementation
- Access management, server roles and database authorization
- Solving security problems
- Implementation of availability & agrave; high
- Implementation AlwaysON
- Implementing mirroring and database
- Databases Implementig a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server
- Design and implementation of a data-warehouse
- Design and implementation dimensions and fact tables
- Extraction and processing of data
- Definition of the connection manager
- Design of the data stream
- Managing the operation of SSIS packages
- Implementation activities & agrave; Scripts in SSIS
- Data Loading
- Designing the control flow
- Implementation of the logic packages through SSIS variables and parameters
- Implementation of the control flow
- Implementation of the options for uploading data and script components in SSIS
- Configuration and deployment of SSIS solutions
- Data integration problems Resolution
- Installation and management of SSIS components
- Implementation of monitoring, recording and event management
- Deploying SSIS solutions
- Configuring security settings SSIS
- Development of data-quality solutions
- Installation and maintenance of data-quality
- Implementation of master data management solutions
- Creating a Project Data Quality for data cleansing
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ICT28 - Language PHP
At the end of the course participants will have acquired a solid basic skills in developing complex, dynamic and interactive websites. The course has as objective the preparation of learners to the full use of a powerful and versatile language that allows the creation of professional Web applications.
3 days Details
The course is intended for those who want to know the programming language, Web Designers who do not program but would like to insert script to increase the functionality of their pages, and aspiring programmers who do not know the basics of a language.
- Introduction to PHP and MySQL
- Web and dynamic content
- Use of PHP and MySQL in the Web
- Installation environment
- The components of a PHP application
- Local development
- Remote working
- Basics PHP
- Principles of operation
- Integration of PHP in HTML
- Enter comments
- Data types
- Operators and variables
- Array, handling functions and data conversion
- Decisions
- Conditions and cycles
- Operators and expressions
- Functions
- User functions
- Function call
- Parameters and scope of variables
- Object-oriented programming
- Database
- Principles of relational databases
- Data base management
- Use of phpMyAdmin
- The SQL language
- SQL Advance
- Backup and restore data
- Data access
- PHP MySQL connection
- Data access through SQL
- Forms
- Data management in forms
- Data rescue and recovery
- Insert, update and delete data in MySQL
- Validation and error handling
- User input validation using Javascript
- Pattern matching
- Displaying a form after the failure of PHP validation
- Session and Cookie
- Session Manager
- User authentication
- Manage cookies
- Ajax
- Javascript
- Programming client side
- Validation of the data form
- Ajax and dynamic update
- JSON format for data exchange
- Data logging client side via Local Storage
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ICT29 - Java/C++/C# (paradigm object-oriented)
The course provides the knowledge to properly use the constructs and syntax of Java, C ++ and C # to design, write and build simple applications.
3 days Details
Designers, Engineers, Software Developers who are familiar with the language C Standard.
- JAVA: Introduction
- Object-oriented programming (OOP): philosophy, classes, objects, instances, methods and messages / Java and Internet
- General characteristics of the Java language
- Fundamentals, terminology, JVM, JDK, garbage collection
- Primitive data types, operators and instructions
- The vectors / The String class, the Date class
- Classes: definition and operations, visibility, classes and instances
- Array: An array of objects, multidimensional arrays / methods, objects, package
- Error handling and exceptions
- Management of Input / Output in Java (streams) and JDK
- Types of Java applications: console, Applet and Servlet
- Introduction to programming Applets and multithreading
- C++: introduction
- Performance assessment linked to the use of inheritance, polymorphism and virtual methods
- Syntax
- Terminology, data structure, classes and methods
- Use of temporary variables, pooling and reference counting
- Inlining
- Exception handling and memory management
- Design and programmative optimizations
- C#: Introduction
- The Framework.net / variables, operators, constants
- Classes, objects, properties and methods. Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
- Practical programming with C # with the use of classes
- Exception handling: Try and Catch, the Finally section
- Input and output / interfaces in C#
- Use ADO.net to access data
- Creating Web applications with Web Forms
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ICT30- C Standard
After completing the course, participants will be able to understand the structure of a C program and write programs in C language.
3 days Details
The course is aimed at those who want to learn a programming language known for its efficiency, which has established itself as the language of reference for the development of system software on most modern hardware platforms.
- Introduction
- Data types
- Variable declarations
- Functions of I/O
- Data
- Types of aggregate data/Typedef
- Pointers
- Addresses and dereferencing
- Operators
- Arithmetic operators, logical and other operators
- Evaluation order
- Expressions
- L-Value/R-Value
- Assignments
- Control execution flow
- Costructs While-Do While/If Else Elseif
- Costruct Switch/For
- Preprocessor
- Define ed Include guidelines, the functions
- Basic modular units of C
- Structure and operation
- Library Run-Time ANSI
- Categorisation (outline)
- Utilization
- Environment and development tools
- Editor/compiler
- Linker and Debugger symbolic
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ICT31 - Introduction to Object Oriented
The course aims to provide an introductory overview of all aspects of object-oriented technology. Through the analysis of the methods of analysis and design, languages and database objects, and especially through the presentation of some real experiences, highlights the benefits and the uncertainties related to the adoption of this approach.
2 days Details
EDP managers, technical directors and analysts or anyone who wishes to test the applicability of this technology in their own business.
- Historical origins of the technology and comparison with traditional approaches
- The object
- The class
- the inheritance
- Polymorphism
- The main methods of analysis and design
- OMT, Coad/Yourdon, Booch, Jacobson, Martin/Odell
- The most popular languages and their differences
- C++, SmallTalk, Eifell (cenni)
- The reorganization of software development and reuse
- The database of objects (compared with relational technology)
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ICT32 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
The course aims to provide participants the knowledge and practical techniques for the analysis and design of systems with an approach to objects. Explains the different stages of development of a project and the ways and means by which they should be addressed. It highlights in particular the main differences compared to a traditional approach and what should be the precautions to observed in the development of the first new objects. The course can be customized on request in order to illustrate some of today's most popular object-oriented methods (OMT, Booch, Jacobson). A significant percentage of the event is dedicated to exercises that can then evolve in the early stages of implementation of a pilot project.
3 days Details
Analysts and Analysts - Programmers who want to investigate thoroughly this technology or have already planned to use it.
- Calling on the fundamental concepts of Object Oriented
- The object
- The class
- Polymorphism
- The realization phases of a project
- The analysis phase
- Identification of candidate objects
- The object model
- The dynamic model
- The functional model
- The design phase
- The system design
- The detailed design
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ICT33 - The design of object-oriented applications C++
The course aims to make the participants able to build systems to objects in a well structured and efficient. The course does not intend to limit itself to a simple presentation of the features of C ++ but is intended to illustrate how to take advantage of these features in the design phase of systems. About 50% of the course consists of the construction of small practical exercises.
3 days Details
Analysts - programmers, system designers and programmers using or intending to use the C ++ implementation of projects that intend to make the most of the potential offered by the language.
- The basic concepts of C ++
- The definition of the associations and their optimal implementation
- The dynamic memory management
- The definition of classes and their optimal organization
- Inheritance and access mechanisms
- The collectors
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ICT34 - Introduction to Planning
The course aims to introduce users to program a computer.
3 days Details
Who will have to become a programmer (regardless of language), who will interface at various levels, with programmers.
- Resumption of the foundations of computer science
- Representation of the information
- Systems of numbering, numbering binary, octal, hexadecimal
- Internal representation of information and encoding information
- Structure of the computer
- Functional logic model, the bus, main memory
- System I/O CPU, auxiliary memories, input / output devices
- Algorithms
- Definition and properties of algorithms, planning Top-Down and Bottom-Up, main components of an algorithm (data instructions)
- Structures for the definition of an algorithm (sequence, selection, iteration), algorithm representation
- From the problem to the program
- Problem analysis and solution design, coding in symbolic language, editing program and its storage
- Documentation program, compiling and linking
- Trial and execution of the program
- Concepts of logic
- Logical operators, simple propositions, calculation of truth values
- Equivalent propositions
- De Morgan laws
- Data structures
- Vectors and matrices
- Lists, stacks, queues, chains, records, tables
- Trees
- Significant algorithms
- Search algorithms, research on vectors and tables (ordered and unordered), search (binary or dichotomous)
- Sorting algorithms (exchange sort, Bubble-Sort sorting)
- Programming languages
- Communication with the machine
- Types of language (imperative, functional, object-oriented to the machine or to the problem)
- Characteristics and differences of the most popular languages (Cobol, Pascal, C, Fortran, etc.)
- Description of a language through syntactic graphs
- Compilers and interpreters, Linker and Loader
- Design and implementation of software
- The software life cycle
- Project methodologies
- Documentation of software
- Software quality
- Automated help tools(editor, debugger, CASE)
- Organization of data memory
- File organization (logical and physical)
- File structure (file sequential and index)
- File operations
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ICT35 - Three-tier architecture (multilevel)
After completing the course, participants will have learned the basic concepts for the creation of secure and reliable Web applications, in particular in relation to the most popular architectures for interfacing with relational data structures.
3 days Details
Analysts, Designers, Software Developers, Web Designer and Webmaster.
- Introduction to networks
- Hardware Software
- Client-server architecture
- Features StandardCOM
- Reliability
- Benefits
- Development environment
- Integrity of Object-Oriented Data
- Structure of the system user interface
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ICT36 - Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access is a rational database management system, it allows you to create your own archives arranging and reprocessing the data. The course, dedicated to it, aims to provide participants the necessary tools to know how to use, even at the professional level, existing Access database and create new ones to suit your needs, after introducing the essential concepts on the database structure.
3 days Details
The course is open to all who wish to know the structure and operation of the most popular database, those who have the need to create powerful relational database to store information, such as employees of any company area who wish to gain expertise in the use of Microsoft Access.
- Introduction to relational theory
- Definition of the database purpose
- Relational algebra: operations and concepts
- Normalization process
- Implementation in Microsoft Access of operations and constructs of relational algebra SQL and Access SQL
- Tables, fields, records
- Primary keys and foreign keys
- Wizard press relations
- Design and use of an Access database
- Tables, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes and their properties
- Relationships and referential integrity
- AutoCorrect name of items
- Conditional formatting
- Querying a database: queries
- Definition of query
- Autocomposition Query
- Union between tables
- Advanced query of selection: parameters, calculated fields and complex selection criteria
- Using the grid QBE
- Criteria
- Groupings and expressions
- Extraction queries
- Action queries
- Data entry and monitoring: the masks
- Autocomposition mask
- Items management of a mask
- Filter formed by mask
- Calculations on a mask
- Controls creation
- Setting property of a mask
- Multiple tables mask
- Chart wizard
- Printing reports: reports
- Defining and creating a report
- Sorting and grouping
- Elements of the report objects
- Calculations on a report
- Automation of a database: macros
- Connection of macro to controls
- Management of advanced macro elements
- Auto-executable macro (Autoexec)
- Creating links for the insertion of data
- Field validation
- Integration with the Web for information sharing
- Create hyperlinks
- Understanding the World Wide Web
- Understanding hyperlinks
- Create a hyperlink
- Export a database for the Web
- Export a database object to HTML format
- Working with data access pages
- Open a data access page
- Create data access pages
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